Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I've been asked many times why I haven't updated my blog recently and my response it always the same, "I'm too busy!" Of course, that's the truth...sort of. The bottom line is that I'm a perfectionist. I agonize over the contents of each post before I actually hit the "publish post" button. That's why it's time consuming. The writing of each post takes mere minutes while the editing and sweating seem to take forever. Why is this?

When I was young I loved to write, and I did so with reckless abandon. No subject was off limits, no assignment too daunting! English was my favorite subject and I excelled. Such confidence!! I'm not sure when this confidence began to subside. Perhaps it was the 20+ year break from writing creatively that has led me here.

So enough perfectionism (which is basically like saying, enough air!), I'm going to blog!

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