Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I'm sure this a question that many people first contemplating a blog ask themselves. I have read other blogs and often thought about starting my own. Fear has kept me from creating a blog long before now. Perfectionism, failure, self-consciousness are all demons I have wrestled with. Then it occurred to me that blogging is just journaling in the 21st century. Public journaling albeit, but journaling nonetheless.

When I was younger I always kept a journal. I laugh when I read those journals now. The trial and tribulations of a teenage girl seem so trival now, but these entries are the bits and pieces that make up the the fibres of my life. The things that made me the person I am today. This line of thinking led me down yet a whole other path. Who am I now? Do my children know this person? If I died tomorrow, would anyone really know who I was? A journal is a great legacy for those left behind, and for this reason, and this reason alone, I will blog. I will leave a story for my children, my family, my friends. A story that goes beyond the mother, wife, friend and daughter they see. They will know the woman I am and the child I was. They will know, unequivocally, the love I have for all of them, especially my children.

Am I scared? Absolutely! There is a certain vulnerability that comes with exposing your soul for the world to see. However, I will tackle this as I tackle all new challenges - full steam ahead!!


  1. congrats on your first blog! can't wait to read more!!! I love reading blogs! you are added to my favs now!

  2. Glad to see you join the blogsphere. I love my blog!! I've been quite lazy about it recently but my plan was to pick up in 2010. LOL.

  3. Go girl, I`ll follow you :). Hugs from me in little Bergen, Norway

  4. Way to go Lonnie, I am so freaking proud of you! You my dear....ROCK!

  5. Proud as ever as a husband, friend and lover!
    Love you!

  6. Leaving the world a better place... a gift few people have. Well done.
